Monday, April 24, 2017

Marathon Week

I guess I've only felt properly trained-up for my first marathon, the MS Blues Marathon, in January 2015. It was the perfect day: a windy, cold 24 degrees, barely warming above freezing by the time I got to the finish line. Not a typically Mississippi race day, but a blessing. My marathons since that day have been more representative of the Deep South - with high temps and humidity - making the challenge even more challenging.

This Saturday, I will take on my 4th marathon at the Rock 'n' Roll Nashville Marathon. Probably the least prepared I've felt, after a calf strain this spring. It earned me a first DNF in a 50k trail run, the Black Warrior, and then slowed my training. Several months before then I had gained back a few of the pounds lost over my 5 years of running. It's hard to explain the mental weight of those 10 extra pounds.

Just saw an article announcing updated start times for the race... High temps (upper 80s) and humidity have forced the start times to earlier Saturday morning. Yikes.